Wednesday 14 September 2011

Film Package Analysis


Throughout the trailer for Twilight a number of two shots and over the shoulder shots are used, which help to show the unity and romantic elements between Bella and Edward, which helps portray the romantic side of the genre romantic fantasy. There is also a close up of Bella and Edward kissing and the sound of them whispering to one another - these aspects both help to portray the romantic genre of the film. Fades are used as transitions from one scene to another, which could be representative of both sides of the genre, romantic or fantasy, as fades are slow and calm, which both relate to romance. The soundtrack is slow, orchestral music, which helps to build the tension for the audience, as it is a fantasy film and fantasy films often involve some kind of action. However, the orchestral music also represents the romantic genre as orchestral music is often associated with romance. Slow motion is often used during the more dramatic scenes in the trailer, for example, when Jasper attempts to attack Bella. This prolongs the action taking place, which builds the tension for the audience - this portrays the fantasy element of the film. The costume worn by the 'bad vampire' portrays the fantasy element of the film because his cloak and ragged clothes aren't ordinary, every day wear for the majority of people. Also, the vampires in the films all have weird coloured eyes, which is also out of the ordinary and represents the fantasy genre of the film. The setting of parts of the trailer also supports the fantasy genre of the film, for example, the forest. Forests are often associated with fear as they are dark and secluded. They also often linked with magic,so this therefore represents the genre. 

Magazine Cover
Empire's magazine cover for the film Twilight: New Moon uses a central image of vampire Edward, who is a main character in the Twilight Saga and also admired and fancied by the majority of the film's female fans. This supports the theme of romantic fantasy as the central image shows the readers of the magazine that he is the main attraction of the films and he is also involved in the love triangle which happens throughout the saga. The use of dark background relates to the dark fantasy theme and suggests that something dangerous or exciting is going to happen, as the colour black is often associated with fear and the unknown. The use of yellow for the title of the film on the magazine cover also relates to the fantasy film as yellow reflects the moon which is in the title of the film.

Film Poster
The film poster for The Twilight Saga: New Moon uses a central image of the three main characters, Edward, Jacob and Bella. This represents the genre of romantic fantasy as the image reflects the love triangle that is going on in the film which represents the romantic element of the film. The use of colour again represents the fantasy theme as dark colours such as blacks and browns often symbolise the unknown and fear, which are common elements of fantasy films. The text on the poster is in the colour yellow, which is suited to the name of the film New Moon as yellow, is a colour associated with the moon. Yellow also portrays the magical, fantasy elements of the film. The font of the text also has little lines or slashes coming from the letters, which make the text appear slightly distorted. This supports the fantasy theme of the film as not everything in fantasy films are as they seem. At the bottom of the poster, there is a faded long shot of a town. This image could represent a journey, which would tie in with the fantasy theme as journeys often occur in fantasy films. Similar to the Harry Potter poster I have analysed, this poster uses dark colours to represent the same fantasy element. Also, a central image of three main characters are similarities of the two posters, but both represent different themes, for example, the image on the Harry Potter poster represents unity between the three characters but the image on the Twilight film poster portrays the love triangle between the three main characters of the film. Props used during this trailer include candles, which relate to not only the romantic side of the genre, but also the fantasy side, as candles are often associated with fantasy and magic. 

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows
The trailer for Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows, Part one uses a wide range of camera angles, such close ups, two shots and long shots. A close up is used to show the character's scared looking faces, which emphasises the dark fantasy genre of the film. Close ups also shows looks of determination from Harry, Ron and Hermione, which also portray the fantasy genre as fantasy films often include battles or fights, which need determination. A crane shot, moving to the right, shows the three friends running from the death eaters in the forest. This shot helps portray the fantasy genre as it shows them fighting to escape, which can relate to the fantasy theme. Also, the setting of this scene represents the fantasy genre, as forests are often associated with fantasy and magic and are often used in films of this genre, for example, a forest is used as a setting in Twilight. The costume used throughout the trailer also represents the dark fantasy genre, for example, the death eaters and Voldemort all wear black capes, which is a costume often associated with fantasy as it is out of the ordinary and not what normal people would typically wear. Also, the use of wands by the majority of magical characters supports the fantasy theme as wands are not used in the 'muggle' world. The majority of the trailer appears dark, with some scenes filmed at night. This represents the dark fantasy genre, as darkness and particularly the night time both signify fear. Slow, deep voices and whispering is used during the trailer, which can relate back to the dark fantasy theme as these vocal expressions both represent mystery and fear. The soundtrack throughout the trailer begins slow and mysterious, which builds the tension for the audience and also sets the fantasy theme as mystery is a key aspect in fantasy films. The soundtrack gets faster and more tense with loud thudding orchestral music towards the end of the trailer - it sounds almost heroic. This supports the fantasy theme as most fantasy films include a hero, and in this case it is Harry Potter himself. Slow motion is used during the dramatic scenes in the trailer which help to portray the fantasy elements of the film as it prolongs the magical parts such as when Hermione casts a spell to one of the death eaters.

Film Poster

The film poster for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part one uses dark colours such as black and dark blue which suggest danger and the unknown, which is relevant to the dark fantasy genre of the film. Also, these dark colours also symbolise fear, which ties in with the genre of dark fantasy. The background of the poster shows the silhouette of a forest, which is instantly a scary setting, which represents the dark fantasy genre of the film. Also, the use of silhouette helps to represent the genre. The central image is a mid shot showing the three main characters of the film stood beside one another, which represents unity and strength. This is relevant to the fantasy genre, as battles often taken place in fantasy films and unity and teamwork is a reoccurring theme in many films of this genre, including Harry Potter itself. A blue glowing outline of the Deathly Hallows symbol is a placed around the mid shot of the three main characters, while a blue glowing deer is in the background along with little glowing spots on the branches of the trees. This glowing effect creates a magical look, which supports the theme of fantasy. Also, the colour blue can often symbolise freedom and determination which is a reoccurring theme in the Harry Potter films and also supports the theme of fantasy. The famous Harry Potter logo is placed at the bottom of the poster. The font of the logo, which is sharp and pointed in a silver colour represents the dark fantasy and magical elements of the theme as the colour silver is often associated with magic and the sharp look of the font can be related to a weapon, which represents danger, which is a major theme in the film as Harry Potter goes to battle with Lord Voldemort. The logo has a glowing sword coming out of it. This use of prop symbolises danger as it is a weapon and this relates to the dark fantasy genre. 

Magazine Cover
Empire’s magazine cover for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One uses colours such as deep blues and a silver colour for the shattered glass. These colours both represent the magical elements of the film and support the fact that Harry Potter is a dark fantasy film. Also, the use of shattered glass suggests danger, suggesting that something dangerous could happen during the film, which helps to build the audience’s excitement. The central image of the magazine cover is a mid shot of Harry Potter himself, which shows he is the main character of the film and making him the central image makes him appear heroic, which again, supports the fantasy genre of the film as fantasy films often have heroes in them. In the central image, Harry is holding a sword. This use of prop supports the fantasy genre of the film as these films often have battles or fighting scenes in them. The sword also suggests danger which is a common factor in fantasy films. Also, Harry’s costume of a dark black jacket suggests something dark or dangerous is expected to happen during the film as black often symbolises the unknown. This supports the fantasy genre. The text for ‘Potter 7’ is in white, which instantly makes it stand out against the darker colours of the magazine cover. The colour white can symbolise heroism as t often symbolises purity and innocence. This supports the genre of the film as Harry is viewed as a hero, and this is also shown by using him as the central image of the magazine cover. The tag line is in yellow, which suggests a magical element as yellow is a colour often associated with the moon, which is often related to magic. This is similar to Empire’s magazine cover for the Twilight film, as yellow is also used, representing the moon and both films are of a fantasy genre. Other similarities the two covers both share are the use of dark colours, which both represent the unknown, which relates to the fantasy genre. 

Sherlock Holmes - Crime/mystery/action
The trailer for Sherlock Holmes uses flashes for their transitions along with a sound effect of a camera flashing. This supports the mystery genre of the film, as it gives the illusion that someone is taking a photo, which supports the 'inspector' theme. Many props are used during the trailer, such as handcuffs, swords, knives and guns. All of these props are associated with violence or crime, which help to portray the crime genre of the film. A close up is used to show Sherlock Holmes smug, confident expression. This represents the theme of mystery, as inspectors are often said to quite confident and sure of themselves. The soundtrack for the trailer is fast, tense music, which supports action elements of the film. Many diegetic sounds are used too, such as the noise of explosions, shouting, the clashing of swords and the shooting of guns. All of these sounds relate to the action/crime genre of the film. This is similar to the trailer for Fast and Furious 5 which also uses diegetic sound for the shooting of guns and explosions, also to portray the genre of action. Slow motion is used during the fight scenes, which prolongs the action, and it is also used along with a long shot which shows the inspector jumping out of the window into a river. This suggests the inspector's bravery, which supports the mystery genre as mystery inspectors are often seen as brave and heroic. Two shots are often used showing Sherlock Holmes and his sidekick - this suggests unity, which supports the mystery genre and the majority of inspectors have a side kick to help the solve the mystery. This is similar to the trailer for Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows where two shots are used to show the unity between Harry and Hermione as they try to find the horcruxes. An over the shoulder shot is used during a fight scene between Sherlock and another man, which suggests confrontation. This represents the action genre of the film as action films often contain fight scenes. The costume in the Sherlock Holmes trailer supports the mystery genre of the film, as Sherlock is dressed in typical inspector clothing such as a top hat, long coat, etc. The colour of his costume is dark, which supports the crime genre of the film as dark colours are often associated with crime.

Film Poster

The film poster for The Twilight Saga: New Moon uses a central image of the three main characters, Edward, Jacob and Bella. This represents the genre of romantic fantasy as the image reflects the love triangle that is going on in the film which represents the romantic element of the film. The use of colour again represents the fantasy theme as dark colours such as blacks and browns often symbolise the unknown and fear, which are common elements of fantasy films. The text on the poster is in the colour yellow, which is suited to the name of the film New Moon as yellow, is a colour associated with the moon. Yellow also portrays the magical, fantasy elements of the film. The font of the text also has little lines or slashes coming from the letters, which make the text appear slightly distorted. This supports the fantasy theme of the film as not everything in fantasy films are as they seem. At the bottom of the poster, there is a faded long shot of a town. This image could represent a journey, which would tie in with the fantasy theme as journeys often occur in fantasy films. Similar to the Harry Potter poster I have analysed, this poster uses dark colours to represent the same fantasy element. Also, a central image of three main characters are similarities of the two posters, but both represent different themes, for example, the image on the Harry Potter poster represents unity between the three characters but the image on the Twilight film poster portrays the love triangle between the three main characters of the film. 

Magazine Cover
Empire’s magazine cover for the crime/mystery film Sherlock Holmes represents it’s genre by using dark colours such as blacks and browns for the background of the magazine. These colours symbolise mystery and the unknown, which are common themes in the Sherlock Holmes film and also in other crime/mystery films. The central image is a mid shot of Sherlock Holmes himself. Using the main character as the central image portrays him as important and heroic, which relates to the theme of crime/mystery as inspectors are often viewed as heroes. The use of shadow around the central image and also a shadow of a man in the background helps to portray the crime/mystery theme because shadows are often related to suspicion and fear, which are common factors in a film of this genre. In the central image, Sherlock is holding a gun. This use of prop signifies danger, which is similar to the Harry Potter magazine cover in which Harry holds a sword, also signifying danger. 

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